Ragazzi secondo voi è buono questo riassunto?
2010-09-07 10:42:11 UTC
One day King Mark of Lyonesse asked his cousin,King Rivalin,to help him in a battle.They fought together and won the war.So King Rivalin could marry King Mark's sister and they had a son.But the mother died during the childbirth and the father was killed in battle.When the son,called Tristan,became a man,went to King Mark's court for live there.All the knights were very happy to know him,but jealous because Tristan was King Mark's favourite Knight.One day Sir Morholt from Ireland came to Tintangel Castle,King Mark's court,and ask him a tribute by King Gurman of Ireland.He had to send In Ireland Thirty noble boys like servants.Sir Tristan was very,very angry and decided to fight against Sir Morholt.He didn't look like afraid and so they fought for many hours and finally Sir Tristan killed Sir Morholt but he was wounded.The only one who could help him was the Queen of Ireland but she was very sad and angry for his brother's death.So he decided to go there dressed like a minstrel.The Queen was very happy to help him and Tristan met Isolde,her daughter.They immediately fell in love but he returned to Cornwall because he didn't want she discovered his secret.King Mark was happy to see his nephew healthy and said he wanted to marry Isolde because,in this way,he could bring peace between two countries.Sir Tristan promised him to bring there Isolde.At the same time a terrible dragon was killing a lot of people.The King,desperate,asked for help,and promised in marriage his daughter to the man who would kill it.Tristan understood it was a good opportunity and so,went to the dragon,fought with it and killed it.Unfortunately he was poisoned and fell to the ground without forces.Seneschal,a irish knight who was there,thought that could be a great opportunity to marry Isolde and so,cut off the dragon's head and brought it to the king.The king was surprised of Seneschal and organised a banquet.At the same time Tristan was found by the Queen and Isolde who helped him.At the castle Tristan discovered the cheat of Seneschal and revealed it to everybody.So they fought and,obviously,Tristan won.But the Queen understood who Tristan was and,after listening the good reason for the which he was there,decided to forgive him.Sir Tristan was happy and left with Isolde and Lady Bragnae.Before the Queen made a love-potion for King Mark and her daughter and gave it to Lady Bragnae.The King and Isolde had to drink it both after the marriage to fall in love.Unfortunately Tristan discovered the potion and drank it like wine with Isolde.They immediately fell in love.When the arrived to Cornwall,Isolde married anyway King Mark and became the Queen of Cornwall.But the love for Tristan was still alive and they met each other secretly.When King Mark discovered that,he was infuriated and cried Tristan was a traitor.Sir Tristan got away from Cornwall.He was sorry because he can't see Isolde.Much later met another Isolde,called Isolde of the white hands,and married her.But he was always thinking about his Isolde.the Queen of Cornwall.One day Tristan was wounded in a battle and the only one who could help him Isolde from Cornwall with her special herbs.She ran for help him but,Isolde of the with hands,cause her jealousy,said Tristan she would never came.So Tristan died for the grudge and Isolde from Cornwall,just arrived,died for the displeasure.And this is the end of the great love story between Tristan and Isolde.
Quattro risposte:
2010-09-07 10:45:43 UTC
very good!
sweet girl
2010-09-07 17:51:18 UTC
per essere un riassunto è troppo lungo...non sono come altri che pur di rispondere alla domanda ti dicono che è lo riscrivi a mano ti verrà 2 pagine e mezza
2010-09-07 17:44:30 UTC
si molto bravo xD
2010-09-07 17:42:59 UTC
secondo me è fatto molto bene :)

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