aiutooooooooooooooooooo ingleseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee?
2013-01-22 07:54:38 UTC
Ciao,sapreste fare quest'esercizio di inglese ecco la traccia: RISCRIVI LE FRASI IN DISCORSO INDIRETTO CON L'AIUTO DI SAY E TELL.
1. ''You are late''. Steve's teacher..............
2. ''You never tidy your room'. Lisa's mother...............
3. ''You are not listening to me''. Paul's mother..................
4. ''Your test is very good''. My teacher............
5.'' I don't like classic music''. Bob....................
6. ''I can't come to your party''. Daniel............
7. ''I don't feel well''. Mum.....................
Quattro risposte:
2013-01-22 08:01:26 UTC
1. ...tells Steve he's late

2....tells Lisa she never tidies her room

3...tells Paul he's not listening to her

4...tells me my test is very good

5...says he doesn't like classic music

6...says he can't come to our party

7...says she doesn't feel well

Non hai specificato se le volevi al passato
2013-01-22 16:04:30 UTC
1) steve's teacher said he was late

2) lisa's mother told her that she never tidies her room

3) paul's mother said he was not listening to her

4) my teacher told me my test was very good.

5) bob said he doesn't like classic music

6) daniel told me he could not come to my party

7) mum said she didn't feel well
2013-01-22 16:02:33 UTC
(compilo solo la parte sui puntini)

1. said that him was late

2. said that her never tides up her room

3. said to him that he was not listening to her

4. told that my test was very good

5. said he doesn't like classic music

6. told to me that he can't come to my party

7. said she didn't feel well

(puoi farle anche al presente, con "says" e "tells" al posto di "said" e "told" e "is" anziché "was" ecc.
2013-01-22 15:58:25 UTC
1. Steve's teacher says that you are late

2. Lisa's mother says that you never tidy your room

3. Paul's mother says that you are not listening to her

4. My teacher says that your test is very good

5. Bob says that he doesn' t like classic music

6. Daniel says that he can't come to your party

7. Mum says that she doesn't feel well

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.