2) Traduzione da italiano a inglese!?x preparazione al compito in classe.. no traduttore!?
2011-05-11 08:16:28 UTC
Salve a tutti, mi servirebbe la traduzione di questo testo in italiano --> in inglese.
No traduttori, perchè riuscirei benissimo da solo..
Dato che domani ho compito, ed esce questo testo volevo farlo bene.
Ve ne sarei tanto grato! Grazie mille ^_^

La regina Guinevre e Sir Lancelot andarono al castello di Jyous Gard insieme ad altri cavalieri della tavola rotonda perchè erano con Lancelot.
Quando King Arthur sentì che Guinevre era stato salvata e che molti dei suoi cavalieri erano stati uccisi da Sir Lancelot, non sapeva cosa provare. Una parte di lui era contento che Guinevre era stata salvata dal fuoco ed era orgoglioso che Sir Lancelot aveva compiuto tale atto.
Tuttavia, egli era dispiaciuto che Lancelot aveva ucciso i due cavalieri disarmati, Sir Gaheris e Sir Gareth.
Il re non riusciva a spiegarsi come mai Sir Lancelot li aveva ammazzati, un cavaliere spiegò al re che Sir Lacelot li aveva uccisi per errore, dato che il suo unico obiettivo era quello di salvare Guinevre.
King Arthur diede ragione al cavaliere, ma era a conoscenza che ormai si era dato inizio alla guerra e che la tavola rotonda era distrutta.
Nel frattempo, Sir Gawain aveva sentito la notizia che la regina era stata salvata, e dà ragione a Sir Lancelot per aver salvato la regina da una morte vergognosa al fuoco.
Un cavaliere comunica a Sir Gawain che i suoi due fratelli erano stati assassinati da Lancelot.
Sir Gawain non credeva alle parole del re perchè i suoi due fratelli erano amici di Lancelot, infatti loro rifiutarono pure di indossare le armature.
Sir Gawain arrabbitato per quello che era successo ai suoi due fratelli, andò da King Arthur e gli promise vendetta attraverso una lotte fino alla morte: lui o Sir Lancelot.
King Arthur radunò i pochi cavalieri della tavola Rotonda e andarono ad assediare Sir Lancelot.
Il re gridò a sir Lancelot che lui era il suo nemico e che doveva morire per aver preso la sua regina e per aver ucciso i migliori cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda.
Sir Lancelot, rifiutò di combattere e spiegò al re che lui aveva rapito la regina per salvarla da una morte vergognosa. Cercò anche di giustificarsi per aver ucciso alcuni cavalieri della Tavola Rotonda, ma l'aveva fatto per salvare la regina.
Il Re Arthur accusò Lancelot per averlo tradito nonostante egli l'abbia fatto diventare il cavaliere più famoso del mondo. Sir Lancelot chiese perdono e disse che la regina è innocente, è pronto a battersi con ogni cavaliere tranne Sir Gawain.
Sir Gawain, stanco delle belle parole, lo chiamò traditore e lo invitò ad uscire fuori dal castello per combattere.

P.S per favore andate a capo come sono andato io.. x avere una corrispondenza e imparare termini ;)

il tempo ho scritto il testo è in passato.. prego di scusarmi x eventuali errori di tempo!
Tre risposte:
2011-05-11 08:21:28 UTC
The Queen and Sir Lancelot Guinevre went into the palace of Jyous Gard together with other knights of the Round Table because they were with Lancelot.When King Arthur heard Guinevre had been saved and that many of his knights were slain by Sir Lancelot, he did not know what to feel. Part of him was glad that Guinevre was saved from the fire and he was proud that Sir Lancelot had committed suicide. However, he was disappointed that Lancelot had killed the two unarmed knights, Sir Gaheris and Sir Gareth. The king could not explain why he had killed Sir Lancelot, a knight Sir Lacelot explained to the king that he had killed by mistake, since his only goal was to save Guinevre. King Arthur gave reason to the rider, but he knew that by now had started the war and that the round table was destroyed. Meanwhile, Sir Gawain had heard the news that the queen was saved, and gives reason to Sir Lancelot for saving the Queen from a shameful death to fire. A knight Sir Gawain tells that her two brothers were killed by Lancelot. Sir Gawain did not believe the words of the king because his two brothers were friends of Lancelot, In fact, they even refused to wear the armor. Sir Gawain arrabbitato for what had happened to his two brothers, went to King Arthur and promised revenge through a fight to the death: he or Sir Lancelot. King Arthur gathered the Knights of the Round Table and a few went to besiege Sir Lancelot. The king called out to him that Sir Lancelot was his enemy and who was to die for having taken his queen and for killing the best knights of the Round Table. Sir Lancelot, he refused to fight and told the king that he had kidnapped the queen to save her from a shameful death. He also tried to justify himself for having killed a number of knights of the Round Table, but he had done to save the queen. King Arthur Lancelot blamed for having betrayed him even though he did it become the world's most famous knight. Sir Lancelot asked forgiveness and said that the queen is innocent, he is ready to fight with each other than knight Sir Gawain. Sir Gawain and tired of the beautiful words, called him a traitor and invited him to come out from the castle to fight.

spero ke ti sono stata d'aiuto !! :D
2011-05-11 15:23:28 UTC
ekko qua :Guinevre Sir Lancelot and the queen went into the palace of Jyous Gard together with other knights of the Round Table because they were with Lancelot.

When King Arthur heard Guinevre had been saved and that many of his knights were slain by Sir Lancelot, he did not know what to feel. Part of him was glad that Guinevre was saved from the fire and he was proud that Sir Lancelot had committed suicide.

However, he was disappointed that Lancelot had killed the two unarmed knights, Sir Gaheris and Sir Gareth.

The king could not explain why he had killed Sir Lancelot, a knight Sir Lacelot explained to the king that he had killed by mistake, since his only goal was to save Guinevre.

King Arthur gave reason to the rider, but he knew that by now had started the war and that the round table was destroyed.

Meanwhile, Sir Gawain had heard the news that the queen was saved, and gives reason to Sir Lancelot for saving the Queen from a shameful death to fire.

A knight Sir Gawain tells that her two brothers were killed by Lancelot.

Sir Gawain did not believe the words of the king because his two brothers were friends of Lancelot, in fact, they even refused to wear the armor.

Sir Gawain arrabbitato for what had happened to his two brothers, went to King Arthur and promised revenge through a fight to the death: he or Sir Lancelot.

King Arthur gathered the Knights of the Round Table and a few went to besiege Sir Lancelot.

The king called out to him that Sir Lancelot was his enemy and who was to die for having taken his queen and for killing the best knights of the Round Table.

Sir Lancelot, he refused to fight and told the king that he had kidnapped the queen to save her from a shameful death. He also tried to justify himself for having killed a number of knights of the Round Table, but he had done to save the queen.

King Arthur Lancelot blamed for having betrayed him even though he did it become the world's most famous knight. Sir Lancelot asked forgiveness and said that the queen is innocent, he is ready to fight with each other than knight Sir Gawain.

Sir Gawain and tired of the beautiful words, called him a traitor and invited him to come out from the castle to fight.
2011-05-11 15:22:06 UTC
Guinevre Sir Lancelot and the queen went into the palace of Jyous Gard together with other knights of the Round Table because they were with Lancelot.

When King Arthur heard Guinevre had been saved and that many of his knights were slain by Sir Lancelot, he did not know what to feel. Part of him was glad that Guinevre was saved from the fire and he was proud that Sir Lancelot had committed suicide.

However, he was disappointed that Lancelot had killed the two unarmed knights, Sir Gaheris and Sir Gareth.

The king could not explain why he had killed Sir Lancelot, a knight Sir Lacelot explained to the king that he had killed by mistake, since his only goal was to save Guinevre.

King Arthur gave reason to the rider, but he knew that by now had started the war and that the round table was destroyed.

Meanwhile, Sir Gawain had heard the news that the queen was saved, and gives reason to Sir Lancelot for saving the Queen from a shameful death to fire.

A knight Sir Gawain tells that her two brothers were killed by Lancelot.

Sir Gawain did not believe the words of the king because his two brothers were friends of Lancelot, in fact, they even refused to wear the armor.

Sir Gawain arrabbitato for what had happened to his two brothers, went to King Arthur and promised revenge through a fight to the death: he or Sir Lancelot.

King Arthur gathered the Knights of the Round Table and a few went to besiege Sir Lancelot.

The king called out to him that Sir Lancelot was his enemy and who was to die for having taken his queen and for killing the best knights of the Round Table.

Sir Lancelot, he refused to fight and told the king that he had kidnapped the queen to save her from a shameful death. He also tried to justify himself for having killed a number of knights of the Round Table, but he had done to save the queen.

King Arthur Lancelot blamed for having betrayed him even though he did it become the world's most famous knight. Sir Lancelot asked forgiveness and said that the queen is innocent, he is ready to fight with each other than knight Sir Gawain.

Sir Gawain and tired of the beautiful words, called him a traitor and invited him to come out from the castle to fight.

Questo contenuto è stato originariamente pubblicato su Y! Answers, un sito di domande e risposte chiuso nel 2021.